Procedures - Preventative

Pit and fissure sealants are plastic coatings that are very effective in preventing decay on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. The grooves or pits and fissures in these molars are often deep and narrow, making it difficult and sometimes impossible for the toothbrush to clean thoroughly. At the same time, young children also lack the dexterity to brush these hard to reach areas. Left undisturbed, bacteria can cause cavities in molar teeth.
The best way to prevent tooth decay in molars is to seal the pits and fissures. It is recommended that sealants be placed on six year old and 12-year molars as soon as they erupt.
The process is simple. The pit and fissure sealant is painted onto the tooth and flows into the pits and crevices to bond with the enamel. No local anaesthetic is needed and no tooth material is removed. The sealants help by shielding the tooth from plaque and food particles. Sealants however, are not meant to stay on the teeth forever. They are there until the youth gain better manual dexterity.